CodeVA shout out


My friend Maggie, who works for CodeVA, asked if I could whip up a BNR video to add some spice to their Hour of Code event this year. Eager to participate, and apparently anxious to do something new, I recruited marketers, devs, designers, and even some musicians to put something together – in four days.

Designer Zack Simon animated the logo to iOS Dev Steve Sparks’ guitar riff, which he recorded over the weekend in his friends’ sound studio. Front End Dev Chris Aquino braved his fear of speaking on camera to share his app, Ottergram, with the world. The lighting is bad and the editing is rough, but I think it turned out pretty well. And it gave us a chance to finally redesign our video intro animation. I love a good skunkworks project.

BNR Craft Night

While designing intuitive user flows and writing tight code are important to Big Nerd Ranch, fostering a culture of learning and curiosity are as well. That’s one reason I decided to host a monthly craft night at the Ranch (the other reason is so I could craft more. Duh).

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Sometimes we do tutorials (Baby Wookiees were a huge hit), and other times we turn on a movie and BYOC (Bring Your Own Craft).

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