Big Nerd Ranch Logo Refresh


One of the first things I asked about when starting at BNR was, “can we fix the logo?” The 12 year old logo was very recognizable, and charming in its own way, but it lacked some basic design considerations that made it feel dated.

Once I had the floor, convincing leadership that it was the right move wasn’t hard at all. I pointed out the issues, focused on a refresh–not redesign, and described our phased approach. 

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I asked my team to contribute designs, and it was a learning experience for many of them. We nailed down our brand voice, our audience, and the traits we wanted to convey. One of the designers wrote an excellent post on our design decisions. Another designer found the perfect typeface. We worked for days to get that hat just right.

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I’m so happy with the results. It’s a strong logo that will stand the test of time. It’s approachable, friendly, confident, and still quirky…kinda like us.

Contoso Cookbook

When I worked with Microsoft (through BNR) to update and teach their new Windows 8 design principles, my Microsoft partner and I built a new app from the ground up to show the app design steps in our lectures. Each faux product they create is branded Contoso. So we made Contoso Cookbook.

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It was definitely the best way to understand the platform, and although it was a difficult project in many ways, I’m really glad I was a part of it. I mean, they did send me all over the world to teach the course, so no complaints here 🙂

Jewelry Site Redesign

Screen Shot 2015-02-06 at 8.26.46 PMWhen I was asked to redesign, I jumped at the chance. It was such a basic URL, the ecommerce site couldn’t help but see a lot of traffic. But they needed to appeal to a market that was increasingly relying on sites like to find affordable and interesting accessories. I knew could get there with a bit more sophistication, and a seamless purchase experience.

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OMG on errrthang

omg_concept_2At Artifact Design, I created some of my first native apps for iPhone and iPad. My favorite was for The OMG Girlz, a young hiphop group just getting their start. I had to set aside my old soul and channel my inner 13 year old. It was so fun to immerse myself in pop culture and create something for their loyal fan base.

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I made the wireframes and directed designers who drew the graphics and created a full closet of clothes, hair, and makeup that users could customize. It was adorable, and the app store reviews must have held a record for number of emojis used in a row.